16 DIY Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Cleaning Routine

Cleaning can be tedious, boring, and exhausting…not unless you work smart, instead of working hard! These cleaning hacks will definitely revolutionize the way you clean your home! We have a collection of amazing cleaning hacks to make our daily job easier, including 16 Cleaning Tips That Will Make Your Home Sparkle,  Amazing Cleaning Tips and Hacks to Clean Like A ProSecret Cleaning Tips From the Pros, you can check them out by linking through, today we are going to share a list of random cleaning hacks around home.16 DIY Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Cleaning Routine

1. Vacuum up vomit16 DIY Cleaning Hacks - How to Vacuum up vomit

Tutorial via Veronica’s Creatives

2. Disinfect and clean your dishwasher16 DIY Cleaning Hacks - How to Disinfect and clean your dishwasher

Tutorial via The Pin Junkie

3. Breaking glasses? Use a slice of bread to pick up all the bits!

16 DIY Cleaning Hacks - How to pick up breaking glasses
Via By Real Simple by Philip Friedman

4. Disinfect your sponges with a microwave

16 DIY Cleaning Hacks - How to Disinfect your sponges with a microwave
Tutorial via Moms Against Cooties

5. Run a squeegee through the carpet to pick up all the unseen pet hair

16 DIY Cleaning Hacks - How to squeegee through the carpet to pick up all the unseen pet hair

6.  Use tongs and microfiber cloths to clean your blinds. 

16 DIY Cleaning Hacks - Use tongs and microfiber cloths to clean your blinds.

Via One Crazy House; More on Next Page