How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel

How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel

It sounds impossible to grow 100 pounds of potatoes in ONE barrel, but let’s read on to see if it is possible.  If you are looking for something to go with small or limited space and that doesn’t require high maintenance, this potato-in-a-barrel planting method is perfect for you! You can literally grow a 100 pounds of potatoes with the barrel, according to the person who discovered this simple 4-step sustainable method, and best of all, you don’t even have to dig for the potatoes, but simply turn the barrel upside down to harvest or to open the door as featured in the photo above.

4 Simple Steps To Grow 100 Pounds Of Potatoes In A Barrel

Check out the full tutorial via the link below:

Zaraimedia – How to grow 100 pounds of potatoes in 4 steps

The concept is to grow potatoes vertically in a container, which requires little or no open ground which is perfect for urban gardening or for us who have limited space in backyard but want to make use of patios. Here is a DIY Garden Design idea that is perfect to grow potatoes yourself in this potato season.How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel


After google search, and we finally got the detailed instructions on how to build the potato box yourself with Cedar fence boards from KainanRa’s Suburban Homestead, youtube channel.

If you don’t want to build yourself, it’s OK to get from Amazon directly:

How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel (Video)

Original Wooden Potato BarrelHow to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel

How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel (Video)

Seed Potato Growing ContainerHow to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in A Barrel