10 Amazing Baking Soda Garden Uses You May Don’t Know

Baking soda is a must have cleaning supply we need for our home, it has so many uses around the house and offers a safe and inexpensive way to clean your kitchen and bathroom. and today we are going to share the best ways to use baking soda in the garden to keep your gardening plants healthy and pest-free.

10 Amazing Baking Soda Garden Uses You May Don't Know

1. Use Baking Soda To Test the PH Level of the Soil

10 Amazing Baking Soda Uses in Garden -Use Baking Soda To Test the PH Level of the Soil

Wet your soil with some distilled water and sprinkle a handful baking soda over the damp part. If the soil begins to bubble, you have acidic soil with a PH level that is probably lower than 5. Read More on Hydraform.

2. Sweeten Tomatoes

You can make your tomato taste even sweeter with baking soda! The lower the acid level is in the soil, the sweeter your tomatoes will be. If you sprinkle baking soda on the soil around your tomato plants , it absorbs into the soil and helps to lower the acid level.

10 Amazing Baking Soda Uses in Garden -Sweeten Tomatoes

Tutorial: The Gardening Cook

3. Homemade Plant Fungicide

Mix 4 Tbsp with 1 gallon of water to get a homemade fungicide that is cheaper and has much fewer chemicals and toxins than other fungicides. Video from Gary Pilarchik on youtube.

4. Get Rid of Slugs

10 Amazing Baking Soda Uses in Garden- Get Rid of Slugs

If you want to kill slugs quickly, just sprinkle a little baking soda on them! The baking soda will cause them to dry out and die.

5. Keep Your Cut Flowers Last Longer

If you have cut flowers and you want to extend its life, just dip the flowers into a mixture of baking soda and water.

10 Amazing Baking Soda Uses in Garden-Keep Your Cut Flowers Last Longer

Tutorial: Best of Tips