DIY Chocolate Aster Flower Bouquet

Flower bouquet f

Flower bouquet tutorials

Flowers and chocolates are two common choices for gifts. Then why not combine these two and make something even more awesome? Here is a great DIY project to make a chocolate aster flower bouquet. Isn’t that gorgeous? It’s very easy to make and all you need to do is just cutting the petals and wrapping the chocolates. You can make it as table centerpiece for wedding, or as gifts for Valentine’s Day, Mothers’ Day, Teacher’s day or any other occasions. It’s so beautiful that you won’t destroy it to get the chocolate inside, I bet. Don’t worry, get the chocolate directly from the woodstick, the bouquet is still perfect, nice home decor, right?

To make this beautiful chocolate aster flower bouquet, you’ll need:

  • crepe paper
  • chocolates/candies/lollipops
  • wood stick
  • ribbon
  • scissors
  • glue
  • tape
  • thread