Recycle Project: DIY Tea Pot Bird Bath Tutorial

How do you use your odd teacups? Teacups is not only for tea, now, they can also be used for various industrial designs, for garden decoration purposes and more. Remember the DIY Teacup Bird Feeder Projects with Tutorials I have shared before? Yes, there any plenty of ways to decorate with them, and this DIY Tea Pot Bird Bath is another good example. You can get all these materials with a few bucks in garage sell, or Goodwill, or in your own house. It doesn’t necessarily need tea pot, bowl, cups, plates or plant pots can also work well. All Supplies needed: Bowl, ,Tea pot, Various cups, containers, and saucers, Large plate, Ceramic glue and Spray paint.

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DIY Tea Pot Bird Feeder tutorial

Click the link here for the DIY tutorial: Tea Pot Bird Bath Garden Art Made from Thrifted Items