DIY Converse Nail Art Design Ideas and Tutorials

DIY Converse Nail Art Design Manicure Ideas and Tutorials
It’s sneaker season now, and with the whether getting hot, and Summer vocation driving near, sneakers are getting popular for ladies and men. And sneaker nail design gets its trend silently, too. They can be super adorable with different color combination or single tone only, and you can make your free hand sneaker nails yourself easily. It’s perfect since now that it’s warmer and if you are living in your Converse, too.
You can make the lace hole with dotting pan as the design or draw line instead.
DIY Converse Nail Art Design Manicure Ideas and Tutorials-Pink

DIY Converse Nail Art Tutorial Via The Little Canvas

DIY Rainbow Converse Nail Art Design Manicure Ideas and Tutorials

DIY Rainbow Converse Nail Art Via The Little Canvas

I guess it takes time to draw the straight line as the lace, better with a thinner painting pen.

DIY Converse Nail Art Design Manicure Ideas and Tutorials-Rainbow

DIY Converse Nail Art Design Manicure Ideas and Tutorials-Red

DIY Red Converse Nail Art